Help Your Crying Cat


Has your cat been crying, yowling, meowing or even making strange, loud, insistent sounds?  Is this making you crazy — because no matter what you do, it doesn’t stop?  Do you feel like something’s wrong, but you can’t figure out what it is? 

This recording “Help Your Crying Cat”, could be the relief you’ve been looking for.  All you have to do is play the recording, listen and follow along with the TAT® process at least once.  Your cat doesn’t even have to be in the room.  After that, you can  play the recording where your cat can see and hear it and you’re somewhere else.  


Help Your Crying Cat is a downloadable MP4 recording designed to help you and your cat. 

Has your cat been crying, yowling, meowing or even making strange, loud, insistent sounds?  Is this making you crazy — because no matter what you do, it doesn’t stop?  Do you feel like something’s wrong, but you can’t figure out what it is? 

This recording “Help Your Crying Cat”, could be the relief you’ve been looking for.  All you have to do is play the recording, listen and follow along with the TAT® process at least once.  Your cat doesn’t even have to be in the room.  After that, you can  play the recording where your cat can see and hear it and you’re somewhere else.  

Several people have shared that immediately after hearing the recording, their cats started purring and sitting calmly — even at times the cat would meow insistently to get fed!

This process has been used with several cats in private sessions with Tapas Fleming and they’re often very tired afterwards because they’ve been under so much stress. Once a cat finishes receiving this new information, they often let go into exhaustion and rest deeply — even for a whole day.  

Owners also find themselves stressed, frustrated, sad, angry and often losing sleep. Using this recording for your Cat also includes the intention that you’re included in the session. 

As always, you should consult with your veterinarian to be certain your cat’s health is OK and that there isn’t anything physically wrong.

When you purchase Help Your Crying Cat you will also receive 2 BONUS recordings: 

  • Tips for getting the most out of this session for you and your cat
  • How to do the TAT Poses


If this is your first time doing TAT you will be instructed on what to do, you do not have to have any prior knowledge or experience with TAT.

What makes healing with TAT so different from other approaches?

You can heal without:

  • reliving anything
  • talking about it
  • digging for core issues
  • figuring anything out ​

Just push play, sit back, and heal!​

As a result of doing TAT, you can experience the following:

  • Feeling less stressed or anxious
  • Feeling less overwhelmed
  • Better Health
  • Feeling happier on a regular basis
  • More fulfilling relationships
  • More restful sleep
  • Feeling more balanced and calm
  • Being more productive
  • Being more present and mindful
  • Improved ability to focus

A dear client, Janey and I worked together about a week ago on behalf of her cat, Lily.  She told me that Lily used to be a quiet cat.  Then she started “yelling” on and on.  For months!  Janey said, “It was driving me nuts.”  She just wrote me this about how things went after using this new TAT® approach:

“The first couple of days, I thought I might have to do the full three times for Lily. I didn’t notice much change. But the last couple of days, I’ve been very surprised and pleased with how much quieter and more peaceful she is. She hasn’t “yelled” at me for a couple days and she seems so much less distressed and more at ease.”

To learn more about the Tapas Acupressure Technique: TAT-101: A Comprehensive Introduction Video Download and PDF Booklet