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TAT – 101: A Comprehensive Introduction


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TAT-101: A Comprehensive Introduction includes:

The TAT-101: A Comprehensive Introduction 33 page eBook that contains all the Steps of TAT, images of the TAT Pose and all the information about what TAT is and what to expect as you do TAT, written by Tapas Fleming, Founder, and Creator of TAT.

Guided TAT with Tapas video recording is Tapas Fleming guiding you through a full TAT session that you can use for any topic. This standard TAT session will take approximately 20 minutes to do. 

Introduction Lesson – Learn TAT video recording is Tapas Fleming guiding you through an in-depth, topic-focused, expanded TAT session. This expanded form of TAT is also what is done in most of the webinars and workshops. This recording allows time for you to write about how you’re feeling throughout the process. The expanded session is great for beginners as it helps you build the “TAT Pot”, the metaphoric place you put the things you are working on. This expanded TAT session will take approximately 40 minutes to do.


What makes healing with TAT different from other approaches?

You can heal without:

  • reliving anything
  • talking about it
  • digging for core issues
  • figuring anything out ​

As a result of doing TAT you can experience:

  • Feeling less stressed or anxious
  • Feeling less overwhelmed
  • Better health
  • Feeling happier on a regular basis
  • More fulfilling relationships
  • More restful sleep
  • Feeling more balanced and calm
  • Being more productive
  • Being more present and mindful
  • Improved ability to focus